Transformation360 is fully compliant with GDPR and all other major data privacy policies.
Updated Terms of Use:
All Transformation360 users (regardless of account type: admin, process owner, ideator) accept the terms of use when they log in to platform for the first time. In this view, we also inform the user about our privacy policy (which the user does not need to explicitly accept; cookies need to be explicitly accepted). Both the privacy policy and the terms of use are available on
Data Processing Agreements
Since the customer (of Transformation360) decides what users (and contributors) to add to the platform, they are the controllers of the data. We are data processors. The controller is responsible for setting up the data processing agreement, but since we want to be proactive, make it easy for the customers, and have a scalable solution, we’ve prepared a standard data processing agreement for how we handle our customer’s personal data. This is now included in our terms and conditions agreements for enterprise (see the section below for the details).