What is a Process?
A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end. In innovation management, processes encompass all stages from ideation to implementation and impact assessment.
What is a Process (How)?
Within the Wheel of Innovation, Process refers to the methods and workflows for developing, producing, and delivering products and services. This covers process innovation, optimizing and reengineering business processes to improve efficiency, quality, and speed, often through new technologies and methodologies.
What are Strategic Initiatives?
The means through which we translate strategic goals and visions into practice. One strategic initiative can be linked to many ideations.
What is a funnel?
A structured approach to filtering and refining ideas, where a broad range of initial ideas are gradually narrowed down through various stages of evaluation, testing, and validation. The funnel ensures that only the most viable and valuable ideas progress to implementation.
What is a Cluster?
In the context of innovation, a cluster refers to a group of related ideas, concepts, or initiatives that are grouped together based on common characteristics, themes, or goals. Clustering helps to organize and prioritize ideas, making it easier to identify synergies, develop comprehensive solutions, and allocate resources effectively.
What are Design Principles for Innovation Programs?
Designing and implementing an innovation program, regardless of the kind of entity (formal/informal, external/internal, centralized/decentralized), is not a one-off project; it is a dynamic process and needs to be managed to succeed. To manage this type of process, there are eight principles called Design Principles for Innovation Programs.
What is a Process Document?
Documentation that outlines the steps, activities, and procedures involved in a specific process. Process documents serve as guides to ensure consistency and clarity in executing tasks and achieving goals.
What is an Innovation Task Force (ITF)?
A special group carrying out innovation initiatives funded by the Innovation Board. They are employees of the Innovation Lab and report to the Innovation Lab. The ITF works with ideation and experimentation and presents the results of initiatives to the Innovation Board.
What are FIST (experiments)?
An acronym for Fast, Inexpensive, Simple, & Tiny. FIST refers to the archetype of experiments we are looking for in early innovation testing.
What are Innovation Horizons?
A framework to measure the uncertainty level of innovation. There are three horizons
Horizon 1 is the most incremental or least uncertain, and Horizon 3 is the most radical or most uncertain, with Horizon 2 in the middle. Horizons should not be interpreted to be bound by particular timeframes.
What is Ideation?
The collection and formation of ideas or concepts linked to one or several strategic initiatives. Here, intelligence is collected externally and internally, clustered, and then validated through testing until a cluster of ideas can be formed into a project delivering on the expectations of a strategic initiative.
What is a Portfolio?
A collection of work (ideation work, actual projects and also life management of launched products and services) where speed, prioritization, resource allocation, and risk are managed on a general level.
What is a Project?
A temporary, unique, and progressive endeavor aimed at producing a tangible or intangible result, such as a product, service, benefit, or competitive advantage. It is executed through an organization’s commercialization process and evolves into a concept with a designated concept owner. This concept could be a product, service, business model, process, production solution, management system, or a new organizational model. Projects typically begin after an initial ideation session and are non-linear, meaning any process can be executed as ideation work, ranging from a hackathon to a full pre-start model, leading to commercial success and eventually to the end of the solution's life cycle.
What is a Spike?
A task to answer a key question when the answer cannot be estimated well enough until the team has done further research or investigation.
What is Validation?
Ensures that you solve the right problem and satisfy the right stakeholders in a way that can be tested and proven.
What is Verification?
Ensures that you solve the problem in the right way, with the right architecture and design, in such a way that it can be specified, implemented, and tested.
What is Work?
The effort put into carrying out tasks and activities within a process or phase. Work involves the actual execution of planned activities to move ideas and projects forward.